308 research outputs found

    Electromembrane Processes: Experiments and Modelling

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    The increasing demand for water and energy poses technological challenges to the implementation of efficient concepts for a sustainable development. In this perspective, electromembrane processes (EMPs) can play a crucial role in green chemistry schemes oriented towards circular economy approaches and renewable energy systems. EMPs are based on the use of ion-exchange membranes under the action of an electric field. Versatility, selectivity, high recovery, and chemical-free operations are their main strengths. Experimental campaigns and modelling tools are prompting the improvement of consolidated processes and the development of novel concepts. Several application fields have been proposed (in chemical, food, pharmaceutical industries, and others) including desalination, water and wastewater treatment, recovery of valuable products, concentration and purification operations, chemical production, and energy production and storage. This book is a collection of the scientific contributions in the Special Issue Processes: Experiments and Modelling from the journal Membranes. It is focused on recent advancements in EMPs and their applications based on the development of cutting-edge engineered systems via experiments and/or models

    Measurement of Multiphase Flow Characteristics Via Image Analysis Techniques: The Fluidization Case Study

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    In this chapter, an overview on some imaging-based experimental techniques for the analysis of complex multiphase systems is reported. In particular, some techniques aimed at the study of fluidization dynamics will be analyzed and discussed, as developed by our research grou

    Lagrangian Simulation of Bubbling Dynamics in a Lab-Scale 2D Fluidized Bed

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    The present work focuses on the development of a novel computational code able to predict with a reasonable level of accuracy the bubble behavior in gas fluidized beds with minimum computational demands. The code simulates the bubble chaotic rise motion and coalescence along bed height via simple lagrangian tracking of bubbles. An original empirical model for the assessment of bubble-bubble interactions is developed. The code is used to simulate a lab-scale unit in bubbling and slugging mode. On this basis, fast simulations are performed to successfully predict bubble population and fluxes within the bed. The main aim of this code is to be embedded within CAPE codes for the process simulation. The model adopted by the code is also well suited for multi-scale modeling approach since physical parameters can be obtained from both experimental data or CFD simulation. Preliminary results of the simulations, in terms of distributions for bubble size and number as well as local hold up values, are compared with relevant experimental data

    Gas-Fluidization Characteristics of Binary Mixtures of Particles in 2D Geometry

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    The bubbling behaviour of fluidized beds has been thoroughly investigated in the last decades by means of several techniques, e.g. X-ray, Inductance, Resistance and Impedance based techniques, PIV. In recent years, Digital Image Analysis Techniques have shown their potential for accurate and cost effectively measurements. Most of the work related to bubble behaviour analysis deals with Single-sized particles, while almost all industrial equipment operates with multi-sized particles. Although considerable work has been done in the past with focus on the analysis of the mixing-segregation behaviour and predictions of fluid dynamics regime transitions, a lack of knowledge still exists in the analysis of bubbles properties measurements for the case of polydispersed systems. In this work, digital image analysis has been adopted to accurately measure fundamental global parameters such as bubble hold up and bed expansion as well as average bubble hold-up distribution maps or bubble size distributions in bubbling fluidized beds of binary mixtures of particles. The experiments have been carried out at steady state conditions with binary mixtures of corundum particles, at various inlet gas velocities. This preliminary study has been performed with the aim to collect valuable data for future development of predictive models and validation of CFD codes

    A brine evaporative cooler/concentrator for autonomous thermal desalination units

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    In recent years growing attention has been paid to the problem of brine disposal due to the raising awareness of significant environmental issues related to the use of desalination processes for fresh water production. This is particularly relevant when desalination units are located in remote sites, characterised by major complexity in the construction and management of intake and outfall structures. In the present work a novel device, named brine evaporative cooler/concentrator (BECC, patent pending), has been developed for coupling with small-scale thermal desalination plants in order to reduce the problem of brine disposal. Such device fulfils two different functions: i) cooling of the recirculating brine (which is often mixed with cold seawater to feed the unit, acting first as a cooling medium for the condensation of the vapour) and ii) concentration of the brine to de disposed. The BECC device is based on the principle of evaporative cooling, i.e. a primary liquid stream is cooled by means of a secondary liquid stream (by-pass stream), which in turn evaporates in contact with atmospheric air, thus being cooled naturally. The two streams are separated by a heat-conductive surface, through which heat is transferred from the primary stream to the cooling-evaporating by-pass stream. A lab scale BECC pilot unit has been designed, constructed and tested. Geometrical and operating features have been studied in order to allow the operation with concentrated brines, to minimise problems of corrosion, scaling and fouling. The first results have demonstrated the feasibility of the technology and a larger scale prototype unit has been designed for the installation within a 5 m3/d solar membrane distillation unit to be constructed in Pantelleria Island, Italy

    Bipolar membrane reverse electrodialysis for the sustainable recovery of energy from pH gradients of industrial wastewater: Performance prediction by a validated process model

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    The theoretical energy density extractable from acidic and alkaline solutions is higher than 20 kWh m-3 of single solution when mixing 1 M concentrated streams. Therefore, acidic and alkaline industrial wastewater have a huge potential for the recovery of energy. To this purpose, bipolar membrane reverse electrodialysis (BMRED) is an interesting, yet poorly studied technology for the conversion of the mixing entropy of solutions at different pH into electricity. Although it shows promising performance, only few works have been presented in the literature so far, and no comprehensive models have been developed yet. This work presents a mathematical multi-scale model based on a semi-empirical approach. The model was validated against experimental data and was applied over a variety of operating conditions, showing that it may represent an effective tool for the prediction of the BMRED performance. A sensitivity analysis was performed in two different scenarios, i.e. (i) a reference case and (ii) an improved case with high-performance membrane properties. A Net Power Density of ~15 W m-2 was predicted in the reference scenario with 1 M HCl and NaOH solutions, but it increased significantly by simulating high-performance membranes. A simulated scheme for an industrial application yielded an energy density of ~50 kWh m-3 (of acid solution) with an energy efficiency of ~80-90% in the improved scenario

    TemporalRI: subgraph isomorphism in temporal networks with multiple contacts

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    AbstractTemporal networks are graphs where each edge is associated with a timestamp denoting when two nodes interact. Temporal Subgraph Isomorphism (TSI) aims at retrieving all the subgraphs of a temporal network (called target) matching a smaller temporal network (called query), such that matched target edges appear in the same chronological order of corresponding query edges. Few algorithms have been proposed to solve the TSI problem (or variants of it) and most of them are applicable only to small or specific queries. In this paper we present TemporalRI, a new subgraph isomorphism algorithm for temporal networks with multiple contacts between nodes, which is inspired by RI algorithm. TemporalRI introduces the notion of temporal flows and uses them to filter the search space of candidate nodes for the matching. Our algorithm can handle queries of any size and any topology. Experiments on real networks of different sizes show that TemporalRI is very efficient compared to the state-of-the-art, especially for large queries and targets

    Experimental Analysis via Thermochromic Liquid Crystals of the Temperature Local Distribution in Membrane Distillation Modules

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    A reliable and optimized design of channels for Membrane Distillation (MD) requires knowledge of local temperature distributions within the module. This information is essential to measure the temperature polarization, choice the module configuration (net spacer features, channel size, etc) providing the best process performance. Notwithstanding such crucial aspects, only few studies have been devoted to the experimental characterization of MD channels and none of them includes data on the local temperature distribution. In the present work, an experimental technique based on the use of Thermochromic Liquid Crystals (TLCs) and digital image processing, previously proposed by the authors (Pitò et al., 2011), was further developed and employed in order to measure the temperature and local heat transfer coefficient distribution on the membrane surface in a MD spacer-filled channel. The performance of different types of commercial net spacers were tested. The channel provided with the symmetric net spacer was found to be the configuration leading to the best heat transfer and to the lowest temperature polarization